This generation of 2014 school students finds itself in territory where no man or woman has gone before, in that they have access to considerably more knowledge, information and communications that increases the complexity of their lives. Whilst Francis Bacon is attributed with the phrase, “Knowledge is power,” knowledge also brings anxiety and stresses which only that individual can know and feel. In my experience it may be our highest achieving students who know the most and they can be affected by anxieties from this knowledge and understanding. The phrase ‘blissful ignorance’ may lie at the other end of the spectrum from those whose aim is the highest. Our Head of Senior School, Mrs Stuart, has years of expertise in working with seniors whose examination and assessment marks are of immense personal importance to those young men and women in their studies and it is never easy for anyone dealing with these stresses. It may be in some ways that university entrance is increasingly competitive, however, I would argue that access to university courses has never been easier.