Year 7 Maths – Applying Algebra
Ever stopped to think about the mathematical intricacies hidden within everyday tasks? From the mundane to the monumental, algebra often lurks behind the scenes, helping us make sense of the world around us. Year 7 Maths students are diving deep into this fascinating realm during their classes.
In the video, we take a closer look at something as seemingly simple as mowing a lawn. Beyond the whirring blades and the scent of freshly cut grass, lies a world of calculations waiting to be explored. Deputy Principal Nathan Reynolds chats with Matt, our school Maintenance Officer, to unravel the algebraic secrets of lawn mowing. Together, they’ll delve into the various scenarios where algebra comes into play, from calculating the area of the lawn to determining the optimal mowing conditions for efficiency.
Our Year 7 Maths students have been tasked with identifying and exploring similar scenarios, shedding light on the practical applications of algebra in everyday life.
Stay tuned for further videos and updates as our students share their findings and formulas.
By Luke Byrne, Student Wellbeing Officer and Gary Brimblecombe, Senior Science Teacher Throughout Term 1 so far, we have seen an increase in students, both at senior and junior grade levels, seeking and requesting to be involved with more organized sporting and group activities. Seeing this demand, and identifying a further need to continue aligning with our CCPS wellbeing program, we have begun working closely with our Year 12 student leader body to organize some weekly activities for both senior and junior students to look forward to and participate in. The aim for these weekly activities has been to have a vastly different event/sport/hobby every week that students can look forward to and engage with, which are all closely facilitated by the both of us and our Year 12 leaders to ensure everyone is included, engaged and most importantly having fun if they choose to attend. So far, we have had the pleasure of facilitating and participating in: Regular backyard cricket matches on the tennis court Wiffleball on the tennis court Pickup basketball games at the tennis court and Raylene Boyle Hall And most recently ultimate vortex on the oval Activities planned for the rest of Term 1 include: Touch Football and Oztag matches on the oval Interhouse Dodgeball Competitions Interhouse Volleyball Competitions It has been pleasing for the both of us to see the high levels of participation and enjoyment that has been shared from students from all grade levels as well as from CCPS staff whom have regularly been participating with the students as well. The feedback for these weekly activities has been highly positive and we look forward to continuing the rest of our planned activities for the rest of Term 1, as well as continuing this trend of activities and hobbies throughout the rest of the year as well. We plan on branching out into including hobbies such as chess and board games into our weekly activities and are also more than happy to take any suggestions or recommendations from students, parents, or community members for future activities that we may be able to run within CCPS. |