Year 7 Maths – Applying Algebra
Ever stopped to think about the mathematical intricacies hidden within everyday tasks? From the mundane to the monumental, algebra often lurks behind the scenes, helping us make sense of the world around us. Year 7 Maths students are diving deep into this fascinating realm during their classes.
In the video, we take a closer look at something as seemingly simple as mowing a lawn. Beyond the whirring blades and the scent of freshly cut grass, lies a world of calculations waiting to be explored. Deputy Principal Nathan Reynolds chats with Matt, our school Maintenance Officer, to unravel the algebraic secrets of lawn mowing. Together, they’ll delve into the various scenarios where algebra comes into play, from calculating the area of the lawn to determining the optimal mowing conditions for efficiency.
Our Year 7 Maths students have been tasked with identifying and exploring similar scenarios, shedding light on the practical applications of algebra in everyday life.
Stay tuned for further videos and updates as our students share their findings and formulas.
This week we acknowledged International Women’s Day, “a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women”. To minimise the impact on academic lessons, guest speakers were welcomed on both Wednesday and Thursday mornings by Year 6 to 12 students. Thank you to our parents and community members who joined us.
Guests this year were chosen from our local community so that students have access to ask questions and see guidance with familiar mentors now and in the future. Included was our very own Netball Coach and rising Netball star, Ava Black. Ava explained to students the rigorous training regime she is committed to and the importance of not giving up, “if you really want it, you have to work hard for it”. Ava also shared the importance of her family’s support and how she had played a diverse range of sports before honing in on netball, “enjoy the journey and have the right people around you.”
2018 alumni Molly Rava kindly gave of her time to share with us the exciting work she is currently undertaking in Science. Molly encouraged student to “aim for your best” and explained that learning didn’t come naturally for her, it was the belief she held within along with her determination, perseverance and dreaming big that helped her to achieve her goals. Molly emphasized the key role that her family and teachers had in supporting her journey and she developed confidence through knowing what she can do and what she stands for.
Senior School parent Mark Tralau joined us and spoke with students about perseverance in the face of adversity and striving for success. Mark recently competed in the Street Outlaws (USA) verse Australia racing after suffering a serious injury last year. He explained to students the safety equipment needed to compete at this level and about why we need to continue working hard, even when set backs are presented. He reiterated the importance of honesty and surrounding yourself with key support people who want to see you succeed in your goals.
The messages shared by all three speakers clearly highlighted for students that they are all capable of achieving their goals, they just need some support and be ready to work for it. If other parents and community members have stories they would like to share with our students, we would love to hear from you.