Year 7 Maths – Applying Algebra
Ever stopped to think about the mathematical intricacies hidden within everyday tasks? From the mundane to the monumental, algebra often lurks behind the scenes, helping us make sense of the world around us. Year 7 Maths students are diving deep into this fascinating realm during their classes.
In the video, we take a closer look at something as seemingly simple as mowing a lawn. Beyond the whirring blades and the scent of freshly cut grass, lies a world of calculations waiting to be explored. Deputy Principal Nathan Reynolds chats with Matt, our school Maintenance Officer, to unravel the algebraic secrets of lawn mowing. Together, they’ll delve into the various scenarios where algebra comes into play, from calculating the area of the lawn to determining the optimal mowing conditions for efficiency.
Our Year 7 Maths students have been tasked with identifying and exploring similar scenarios, shedding light on the practical applications of algebra in everyday life.
Stay tuned for further videos and updates as our students share their findings and formulas.
Deanne Hatcher, Japanese Teacher
Recently students in Year 7-10 Japanese classes took part in the annual Education Perfect Language Championships. CCPS students answered a lot of questions throughout the week long competition. Congratulations to the following students who are commended on their excellent efforts!
GOLD: Leila Pacheco (Year 8) earned a Gold award and ranked in the top 2% of competitors from around the world. She answered 8487 questions throughout the week long competition!
SILVER: Alyssa Lagopoulos (Year 7) earned a Silver award and ranked in the top 5% of competitors from around the world. Alyssa answered 5453 questions throughout the week.
BRONZE: Amalie Downard, Isabella Maddock and Codi McDonald (all Year 8) earned Bronze awards, placing them in the top 10% of competitors around the world.
CREDIT: Peyton James Crosby and Mia He (both Year 8) earned Credit awards, placing them in the top 20% of competitors around the world.
As a school, we received the following rankings:
4th in Australia for our category out of 527 schools
3rd in Qld in our category out of 148 schools
2nd for Japanese in Australia in our category out of 50 schools.
Well done CCPS students!