Year 10 Work Experience

Published April 29, 2024

Year 10 students embarked on an exciting journey into the world of work as they completed their first career experience block of the year. Students explored a diverse array of industries, ranging from automotive to x-ray and imaging, engineering, vet clinics, pet grooming, florists, and may other industries.


Getting a Headstart to a career in law

Published February 22, 2024

We are excited to share the success story of Year 11 student Izrael who recently completed his first university course through the University of Sunshine Coast’s Headstart Program.  Receiving a Distinction for his outstanding efforts, I had the pleasure of sitting down with him to discuss his experience and the benefits it brought to his academic journey and future career plans.


CCPS Student News Episodes

Published April 28, 2023

We are excited to announce that the Year 9 and 10 Media Arts students have collectively taken on the mantle of a fully fledged news broadcasting team: CCPS News. Throughout the term, students will be releasing episodes about different events happening in both the Junior and Senior Schools. This project will form the students’ assessment for…


Compiled feedback from surveys

Published March 14, 2023

Our Future of Education Discussion Brief series was originally introduced to our School community in 2022 over a series of 10 weeks. Each week a new topic was introduced and our community had the opportunity to submit their thoughts and feedback on each paper via an online survey link. In Week 7 of the series,…


Year 9 Science -Investigating Earthquakes

Published March 13, 2023

Year 9’s were ready to shake, rattle and roll. While investigating tectonic plates and earthquakes they were tasked with creating the tallest tower for the lowest price. Their structures were required to survive three different earthquakes. Afterwards discussions were had around the successful designs and how different regions create earthquake proof structures.


Blended Learning

Published March 10, 2023

Blended Learning (sometimes called ‘hybrid’ learning) refers to the combination of onlineor digital learning and learning face-to-face with educators in a manner that leads to better learning outcomes. The online component can be accessed on or off campus and either inside or outside scheduled lesson time, but the face-to-face interactions with educators usually occur on…


The Fifth Element – a team of specialist educators

Published March 10, 2023

In previous discussion briefs we have explored the Core Four. In this final paper of this series we reveal the fifth element – a specialist team of educators. We discuss what this proposed team of specialist educators involves and provide an example of this new organisational structure in action. Read the full discussion brief here:…


Personalised Learning The Core Four and EdTech

Published March 10, 2023

What do we mean by ‘personalised learning? Personalisation has too often been confused with other terms that indicate close relationships between teachers and students. While these relationships are vitally important, they do not necessarily mean that the student is receiving an educational service that is designed to meet their individual needs. We celebrate the fact…


The importance of resilience

Published March 10, 2023

Are schools, parents and care givers doing enough to help young people develop resilience, self-regulation and a positive attitude to lifelong learning? Read the full discussion brief here:


Proficiency and Self-efficacy

Published March 10, 2023

The importance of proficiency and self-efficacy Of the 10 Discussion Briefs, we suspect this will be seen as one of the most controversial. The fact that is draws on two major reports into Australian schooling as well as globally recognised data from the OECD, will not shield it from criticism. It is often difficult to…

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