Welcome back! It’s November, meaning that the Borrowers’ Leaderboard for last month has been finalised. Congratulations to Zoe in Year 2 and Ben in Year 7 for winning ‘most books borrowed’ in October. And congratulations to Sam in Year 8 for making it onto the leaderboard for three months in a row! Now that it’s November, we’re also well on our way to Christmas! You have the opportunity to join in with the Library’s Christmas display. There is a tree, which the Year 12’s will be putting up, but we don’t have many decorations to put on it. So, if you would like, your child can bring along one ornament next week, to put onto the tree. Children are not able to bring anything made of glass, or too delicate. Also, these will remain in the Library when the decorations get packed up, so that they can be used each year – so don’t donate anything that you want to keep at home! And in upcoming news, next week, Thursday, is this term’s Immense Book Sale! Hundreds of books will be there, with nothing over $5 and loads are free, so come along! From 8am until 4pm, in the Library classroom area.